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Mr Isabirye Christopher

Head of Department

The teacher and the learner

In the act of teaching there are two parties (the teacher and the taught) who work together in some program (the subject matter) designed to modify the learners’ experience and understanding in some way. It is necessary to begin, therefore, with observations about the learner, the teacher, and the subject matter and then to consider the significance of group life and the school. It will then be possible to consider the factors and theories involved in modifying a person’s experience and understanding. They include theories of learning in education, of school and class organization, and of instructional media.

Assessment of results

At the end of the lesson proper or of any other unit or program of instruction, the teacher must assess its results before moving to the next cycle of teaching events. Assuming the occurrence of teaching-learning cycles of instruction-construction activity, it follows that there is a built-in process of frequent assessment during the progress of any period of teaching. The results of the small phases of the learner’s problem solving provide at the same time both the assessment of past progress and the readiness for further development.

Why should learning be collaborative?

Collaborative learning is a method of active learning that relies on the principle of two or more students working together, towards a common goal. These activities vary widely, but most centre on the learner’s exploration or application of the curriculum, not simply on the teacher’s point of view.Collaborative learning arms pupils with the confidence to teach and learn from their peers and teachers, too. In primary schools especially, collaborative learning will help develop soft skills at an earlier age, helping children become more effective communicators.

Health Tutors' College Mulago

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