Life On Campus
Student support and wellbeing
We have a range of services dedicated to helping you to make the most of student life. Academic life at Health Tutors’ College Mulago is challenging, innovative and rewarding. Our students learn from leading researchers and teachers who are driven by creativity and curiosity.
Students’ Union
Providing an exciting mix of entertainment, clubs and societies, as well as a range of welfare, advice and information services. Students’ unions are also programmers for the beginning of term events such as Welcome Week, Christian union and other events throughout the term that provide social connections and wellness for students.
Students’ visit the Parliament of Uganda
To tour and explore the hidden treasure of parliament and watch a parliamentary session being conducted so as to enhance our debating skills and get the inspiration of becoming members of parliament in future, for those that have the dream…
According to the Ministry, extracurricular activities in schools entail sports and games, debating, among others. It is advising schools to consider activities such as plays or in-house concerts, should they feel the need to entertain the learners.
HTC offers more than 12 sports clubs ranging from football, netball and indoor sports.
HTC Christian Union
Greetings in the blessed name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ from Health Tutor’s College Christian Fellowship and we thank God who has protected this college, students and staffs. HTC-College like any other institution of Higher learning has programs that help to nourish, motivate and encourage the inner man…
HTC Nkobazambogo
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HTC Fitness Day
Warm greetings to the Excellencies, my respected teachers, mentors and my dear colleagues .Without proper health and fitness one cannot have a feeling of physical, mental optimum function.
This article is from the Ministry of Health and Environment Health Tutors college .It helps us to explore the ….
About Electoral Commission
Guild electoral commission is elected at a Guild general assembly convened for that purpose organized and presided over by the minister of justice and constitutional affairs in consultation with the Guild Speaker within forty days to the end of the second semester in academic year; consisting of; A Chairperson…